
I have Apache asking for x509 Client certificates, I am trying to proxypass the 
original request to multiple locations based on the result of the client 

If successfully authenticated, proxypass to authserver
if not, proxypass to noauthserver

Ive tryied a lot of configurations but none works, sometimes I have recursion 
problems, in other configurations I get 404 errors, help!

for example, the example bellow gives 404 errors and never gets redirected to 
any server
I had to create the /var/www/html/auth and /var/www/html/noauth folders but I 
would prefer not to create anything here if possible at all 

Can you propose me any solution?


NSSVerifyClient optional

RewriteEngine on
RewriteLog "/var/log/httpd/rewrite.log"
RewriteLogLevel 9 

RewriteRule          ^(.*)$ /noauth$1   [L] 
RewriteRule          ^(.*)$ /auth$1 [L]

<Location /noauth>
     ProxyPass          http://noauthserver/
     ProxyPassReverse   http://noauthserver/

<Location /auth>
     NSSVerifyClient require

     RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_S_DN "%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}s"
     RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_I_DN "%{SSL_CLIENT_I_DN}s"
     RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O "%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O}s"
     RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY "%{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}s"

     ProxyPass          http://authserver/
     ProxyPassReverse   http://authserver/



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