
We are running Apache 2.2 and have setup PHP-CGI to serve PHP files. Today,
we observed that a php-cgi process has been running for a very long time and
is consuming 100% CPU. The parent apache process of this php-cgi has been
running since July 26th. We do a graceful restart of the server every hour
to pick up new virtual host connections but apparently, this process has not
been reaped till now.

Is there a way to figure out what request this apache process is serving?

I have tried looking up on Google and found apachetop but that doesn't give
us the required information.

I have also tried to locate the file being executed with 'lsof -p <pid of
apache and php-cgi prcoess>' but that listed mostly the dynamic libraries.
The peculiar entries in the php-cgi case were:

php-cgi 16665 swarLD21606    0r  FIFO    0,6           2605128
php-cgi 16665 swarLD21606    1w  FIFO    0,6           2605129
php-cgi 16665 swarLD21606    2w  FIFO    0,6           2605130
php-cgi 16665 swarLD21606    3u  sock    0,5           2605937 can't
identify protocol

and in the case of httpd was:
httpd   16414 apache  558u  sock    0,5            2605127 can't identify

which we haven't been able to explain.

Any suggestions to investigate will also be very helpful.

Thanks and regards

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