
I'm trying to figure out a solution to a rewrite (using mod_rewrite) issue
and can't quite seem to get it right. I'm hoping someone here will be
generous with advice.


- I've moved my site to a hosting provider who does not allow me access to
the httpd.conf and other configuration files, only to .htaccess
- I have a site (http://example.tld) which also has one subdomain (specified
as an A record, but tried this as a CNAME also) - http://blog.example.tld
- http://blog.example.tld points to {example.tld docroot}/blog
- I want to rewrite all requests to http://blog.example.com/* as
http://example.com/blog/* (that I know how to do and it's working).

In order to do this, I need to have a directive in the .htaccess file in
{example.tld docroot}/blog of "ReWriteBase /"


- It's a wordpress blog and wordpress wants its own ReWrite rules in the
.htaccess file.
- Wordpress "knows" it's base URL is http://example.com/blog/
- Wordpress needs the ReWriteBase directive to be "ReWriteBase /blog/"


Can I have both ReWriteBase directives in one .htaccess file? (I've received
a 500 error every time I've tried, but I may be doing something very wrong)
and if so, how?
If not, is there a better way to handle this? I'm open to suggestion...

Thank you for any help you can offer!


Apache 1.3.33 on Linux (flavor unclear...hosting provided)

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