[us...@httpd] Re: SetEnvIf and query string

2010-11-08 Thread Daniel Ganea
i solved the problem setting in google analytics the path for not using query string: _gaq.push(['_setCookiePath', '/directory1/']); _gaq.push(['_setLocalGifPath', '/directory1/__utm.gif']);

[us...@httpd] Re: SetEnvIf and query string

2010-11-02 Thread Daniel Ganea
i want custom logs for the n directory paths: directory1and directory2, directoryn the log format now  LogFormat %h %v %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\ \%{User-Agent}i\ \%{Cookie}i\ test  SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/directory1 customvar  SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/__utm\.gif$ customvar  CustomLog