
I've got an issue on Windows 2003 64 bit (virtualized) when I enable a
webdav area. The symptom being a delay of 30 seconds for each webdav put,
get or delete that I try.

I have stripped everything down to the simplest configuration I can arrive
at. I'm using cadaver as a command line webdav client and still can't find
what is causing the issue so any help would be much appreciated.

My httpd.conf has the following at the end:

DAVLockDB "C:/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/locks/dav.lock"
<Location "/dav">
    DAV On

The locks directory exists, the directory is writeable, the files get put
there eventually and I have no errors in the logs.

Essentially I see the following in Cadaver:

dav:/dav/> delete Install\ SSL.txt
Deleting `Install SSL.txt':
<Hangs for 30 seconds>
Deleting `Install SSL.txt': succeeded.

And the same for a put or a get.

Interestingly I have an apache Jackrabbit repository with webdav enabled to
compare in the same vm infrastructure and this works fine. I've also changed
to run on port 8000 to see if that gave any clues, but to no avail.

I've tried 2.2.14 and 2.2.13 and see the same issue on both. I'm using the
ssl binaries, but the 32 bit compiles.

Any help appreciated.


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