I have a server with several hundred directories, each password protected
against their own database.  I added a file, httpd-auth.conf in conf/extra
that I include from httpd.conf.  This file has many entries that look like

<Directory /var/www/securedocs/1pbpdemo>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Z-TEC International, Inc.: Onepage Plans"
        AuthBasicProvider dbd
        Require valid-user
        AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select password from onepage_1pbpdemo.structure
where userid = %s

<Directory /var/www/securedocs/1pbpdemo/admin>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Z-TEC International, Inc. Admin Area"
        AuthBasicProvider dbd
        Require valid-user
        AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select adminPasswd from onepage_1pbpdemo.master
where adminUser = %s

when there are only a few of these entries, the system works.  However, when
the file is complete with all 17,000 lines, the server produces errors and
no longer does authentication correctly.  I get this error:

Internal error: DBD: failed to prepare SQL statements:

I grep 'failed to prepare' in modules/aaa and srclib/apr and
srclib/apr-util, but it isn't found.  As usual, this isn't a terribly
informative error.  It would be great if it said WHAT SQL statement it
failed to prepare, or if it was out of memory or whatever.
  Any help?

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