Hello all,

there seems to be a problem, if I try to access "ftp://localhost/"; with firefox. Access is not not possible. Instead Apache is trying to serve an index document (DirectoryIndex) or if enabled an autoindex (Options Indexes).

e.g. without mod_autoindex and "DirectoryIndex none" the error in "ftp_error.log" is:
| [Tue Feb 08 16:58:42 2011] [error] [client ::1] \
|      Attempt to serve directory: C:/Users/Public/Downloads/

| - [::1] USER anonymous
| anonymous [::1] PASS xxx
| anonymous [::1] SYST
| anonymous [::1] PWD
| anonymous [::1] TYPE I
| anonymous [::1] EPSV
| anonymous [::1] SIZE /
| anonymous [::1] MDTM /
| anonymous [::1] RETR /
| anonymous [::1] EPSV
| anonymous [::1] CWD /

The same in a subdir "ftp://localhost/test/"; is working:
| - [::1] USER anonymous
| anonymous [::1] PASS xxx
| anonymous [::1] SYST
| anonymous [::1] PWD
| anonymous [::1] TYPE I
| anonymous [::1] EPSV
| anonymous [::1] SIZE /test/
| anonymous [::1] MDTM /test/
| anonymous [::1] RETR /test/
| anonymous [::1] EPSV
| anonymous [::1] CWD /test/
| anonymous [::1] LIST

With e.g. Internet Explorer it's every time working:
| - [::1] USER anonymous
| anonymous [::1] PASS xxx
| anonymous [::1] CWD /
| anonymous [::1] TYPE A
| anonymous [::1] EPSV
| anonymous [::1] LIST
| - [::1] USER anonymous
| anonymous [::1] PASS xxx
| anonymous [::1] CWD /test/
| anonymous [::1] TYPE A
| anonymous [::1] EPSV
| anonymous [::1] LIST

in the sample configuration file "ftpd.log", there is an error in the transfer log LogFormat:
| LogFormat    "%{%b %e %H:%M:%S %Y}t ...

should be:
| LogFormat    "%{%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y}t ...

Windows 7
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ftp/0.9.6
Firefox 3.6.13


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