Apache 2.4
CentOS 7
Apache has numerous times today hung on me.  It is fully patched and the server 
has been freshly rebooted.

In the error_log I get this message:

[Sat Jan 20 13:55:04.194452 2018] [mpm_worker:error] [pid 22574:tid 
139937880922240] AH00287: server is within MinSpareThreads of 
MaxRequestWorkers, consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers setting

[Sat Jan 20 13:55:24.215998 2018] [mpm_worker:error] [pid 22574:tid 
139937880922240] AH00286: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider 
raising the MaxRequestWorkers setting

These are my apache configuration values:

<IfModule mpm_worker_module>

ServerLimit         180

StartServers         10

MaxRequestWorkers   4500

MinSpareThreads      25

MaxSpareThreads      75

ThreadsPerChild      25


I get this for the memory and running processes.

Apache Processes: 18

Apache Memory Usage (MB): 505.531

Average Proccess Size (MB): 28.0851

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  A server with 4G of memory.


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