
   - User1 is Executive of Company1
   - User2 is Manager of Company1
   - User3 is Executive of Company2
   - User4 is Manager of Company2
   - User5 is Executive of both Company1 & Company2
   - User6 is Manager & Executive of Company2
   - User7 is Manager of both Company1 & Company2

*API endpoint:* https://api.example.com/users/{id}

When I authenticate, the system already knows which company / companies I
belong to and what role(s) I have. Given that I have few rules.


   - Every employee can access his own company's data.
   - Managers can access all Executive data.
   - Executives can only access personal data.
   - One person can belong to multiple companies. One person can have
   multiple roles.
   - Only the highest authorization counts if a person has two roles in a

How can I implement it using Apache.

I found few modules in https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/auth.html

But not understanding, will i have to implement these logics in my app or
can i use these modules to solve this problem?

If this can be done using modules then please give me some sample config so
that i can work with it.

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