[users@httpd] CentOS 5 / Apache 2.2 / mod_authnz_ldap issue

2013-04-04 Thread Devin
I am currently running CentOS 5.5 running httpd-2.2.3-76 and using mod_ldap and mod_authnz_ldap to authenticate users against Active Directory. The problem that I am running into is the web application that i am using with Apache has no built in security abilities. So we have been using Apache's

Re: [users@httpd] CentOS 5 / Apache 2.2 / mod_authnz_ldap issue

2013-04-04 Thread Eric Covener
I just wanted to see if i could give multiple groups access to the same folder but when i try to do that Apache stops prompting for a password and authentication breaks all together. Satisfy any means either authorization (Require) or host-based access control is required. You didn't

Re: [users@httpd] CentOS 5 / Apache 2.2 / mod_authnz_ldap issue

2013-04-04 Thread Devin
Eric - Thanks for the response, i do see how the multiple requires act as an OR statement. The only issue that i am facing now is the scenario I mentioned above, will apache not let me do something like: Directory /data/folder #SetHandler fastcgi-script Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

Re: [users@httpd] CentOS 5 / Apache 2.2 / mod_authnz_ldap issue

2013-04-04 Thread Eric Covener
It appears if i try to access http://projects/a, using the contractor user it doesn't take the authentication, almost like apache is only considering the Directory state of /data/folder, and ignoring completely my 2nd Directory statement. I get an error in my logs of: with LogLevel debug