Hi Folks,

I'm a noob with mod_rewrite, and my logging has wondering about some
things. (BTW, I'm on 2.2)

Here's the request command, the virtual host's rewrite rule, and the
generated log output: http://apaste.info/5ga

I don't really understand why the logs are showing me an exhaustive list of
the files that are *included* by the requested (dynamic) script. Is it
normal? Is it something I need to configure to go away? I thought the NS
flag would make those go away, but obviously I don't really understand NS
or subrequests. (I *think* I understand PT, but I'm not sure.) I've read
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/flags.html a bunch of times, but I
still don't completely get what NS does, given it doesn't do what I thought
it did(?).

Also, the existence of the NS flag, and the fact that the rewrite log is
showing subrequests to me makes me wonder A) why httpd deals with
subrequests, when it seems like an application server concern and B) what
use there might be in having httpd process subrequests; what's a use case
for that?


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