Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a solution where I can create ProxyPass for domainnames to
a subdomain.

Let's say I host subdomain.domain.com and someone wants to use his own
managed domainname for this own subdomain.domain.com the most ideal is to
have a vhost/proxypass for his domainnamename on my webserver(s)

Because this domainname can be added and removed I would like to have it
generated from a MySQL Database and maybe even only loaded into Apache on

Because I will use multiple loadbalances proxyservers in front of the
subdomain-servers I need to share the vhosts for the proxypass and I think
it's not ideal to have about 10K of vhost files, so maybe a realtime MySQL
lookup would be even better.

What are my options here ? I have looked into the vhost mysql modules but
they are not up-to-date and mostly only support a webroot from the database

I see this the same way as a anti-spam-gw works, it's a proxy too but than
I need this for domains to subdomains in a transparent way.

I hope someone can help out.



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