After upgrading from httpd 2.4.54 to 2.4.55, I noticed that mod_fcgid scripts would sometimes get "stuck" in the "working" state, rather than the "ready" state, even though the script associated with the mod_fcgid slot was idle and waiting for a new request.

While investigating, I noticed this usually happened after a stray HTTP/2 "500" error in the logs that I couldn't match up to a real error. This was puzzling, so I downgraded back to 2.4.54 while thinking about it.

Now in the 2.4.56 update, I see:

*) mod_http2: client resets of HTTP/2 streams led to unwanted 500 errors
   reported in access logs and error documents. The processing of the
   reset was correct, only unneccesary reporting was caused.

The "unwanted 500 errors" sounds like it might be related, except that it says the processing was correct, implying that this problem would not affect anything other than the logging.

Is it possible that it actually *did* affect the processing of mod_fcgid requests –- that the bug could have prevented mod_fcgid from switching a child process from "working" back to "ready" after the client reset?

Robert L Mathews

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