Hi all. I made progress with my DNS server.
Now I have all the information I need to make a decent question... lol

My DNS server is working. The final question here is how to make nsupdate
update my external ip in my zone configuration file.

This is my zone configuration file:

TTL 14400
@                      IN SOA ns1,standbyinformaticarp.com.br
root.standbyinformaticarp.com.br (
                          84400 )
standbyinformaticarp.com.br.            14400        IN  NS
www.standbyinformaticarp.com.br.   14400        IN  A
standbyinformaticarp.com.br.            14400        IN  MX  0

After awhile I was able to ping from my friend's computer the
www.standbyinformaticarp.com.br and it was looking for the ip wich
is the servers ip.
Now... i found that dns clients and also nsupdate would help me whenever my
external ip changes.

The question is, how my zone configuration file show be setup? Do I have to
remover the "www.standbyinformaticarp.com.br.   14400        IN  A" line?

Please could I get help from someone?
Thanks a lot

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 12:48 AM, Guilherme Longo <grlongo.irel...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi everyone, I am stuck trying to point my registered domain to my web
> server.
> I am brazilian and I have a registered domain in www.registro.br.
> My domain is standbyinformaticarp.com.br
> I am using the DNS servers from registro.br
> The dns provided are:
> a.sec.dns.br
> b.sec.dns.br
> Now, I have to set-up the following addresses:
> Site address
> email address
> I am not really sure what type of information I have to fill the site
> address field. It canĀ“t be my local ip and I have a dynamic ip in my
> network so I cannot use my external ip and point my router to my server. I
> am a bit confused.
> Does anyone can point me to the right direction. I have tried to set up my
> DNS server aswell if it is nescessary I can provide more information.
> Thank you all for your attention.
> --
> _________________________________
>   Guilherme Longo
>   msn: incorpn...@hotmail.com
>   Tel: +55 (16) 7815-1949


  Guilherme Longo
  msn: incorpn...@hotmail.com
  Tel: +55 (16) 7815-1949

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