Does anyone have advice for me regarding custom headers in mod_proxy health
check? Thank you :-)

On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 2:31 PM Aaron Rosenzweig <>

> We have mod_proxy doing balancing and working great with the exception of
> one thing, the health check. I'm talking about the heartbeat interval that
> tells mod_proxy if our java app instances are ok.
> I read the docs here:
> I'm pretty sure the issue is that the health check is not picking up the
> custom header I need to talk to a WebObjects application (java). I'm
> wondering if there is a way to configure it or if it simply isn't possible
> and am looking for advice on appending this header.
> When setting up the proxy balancer, I initially had the same problem but
> it was quickly solved by adding the following line before the proxy
> balancer definition:
> RequestHeader append x-webobjects-adaptor-version "mod_proxy"
> What that did was add an arcane header that the java app (NeXT/Apple
> WebObjects) instances need to see in order for them to want to respond.
> Without it, they will drop the connection. Essentially what I'm doing here
> is replacing a special mod_webobjects Apache module with the built-in
> mod_proxy. This header is just something WO needs to see to allow
> communication.
> But now, when I add health check parameters to the proxy balancer it
> thinks the app instances are all dead. It's because, for some reason, the
> custom header is not being used for the health check and the connection
> immediately drops. To confirm that was true, I modified the java
> application to force the header to be set when an incoming java HTTP
> request was received. While that did allow communication with health check,
> it causes other problems for me so is not a good workaround.
> Does anyone know how to configure the mod_proxy health check to use a
> custom header? Or is it not possible currently? Thank you :-)

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