I am attempting to configure httpd to proxy a SSL websocket back to a Tomcat 
instance.  I am attempting this configuration on a Centos box with httpd 2.4.6 
built from source. When attempting to connect to the websocket I keep getting 
websocket close event CLOSE_ABNORMAL (1006) in the browser when I take a look 
at the httpd logs I see "AH00951: WSS: backend socket is disconnected". 

I believe my configuration is correct since I do not get these errors if the 
reverse proxy is configured with ws instead of wss. Any idea what could be 

I am attaching my configuration, a sample war for tomcat to test this, and a 
log of the condition occurring below. 

Centos 5.9
httpd 2.4.6
Tomcat 7.0.42


Trevor Stevens

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