When using the following setup in the vhost, how to you implement SSL 
session reuse. The documentation seems to indicate that it is on by 
default, however when running a jmeter test did not see any long lived 
connection that looked like they were being reuse. There were lots of 
short lived connections. I played with some of the options like 
disablereuse and did not see any change in behavior of sessions.

<Proxy balancer://devtcssltest>
    BalancerMember https://server1:8102 route=TestJSSE2A1 loadfactor=1 
    BalancerMember https://server2:8102 route=TestJSSE2B1 loadfactor=1
    ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid 
ProxyPass /WebMonitorTestApp balancer://devtcssltest/WebMonitorTestApp

The end result I am looking for is smaller pool of longer lived sessions 
that are shared by many user sessions, to cut down on SSL session setup 
overhead. Is there something with the balancer directive that I need to 
configure? Does connection reuse not work with this configuration?

Mike Beadle
Engineer - Collaborative Systems, Information Technology  •  Securian 
Financial Group
400 Robert Street North  •  St. Paul, MN 55101-2098
michael.bea...@securian.com  •  www.securian.com

Securian Financial Group – Financial security for the long run ®

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