We have an Apache proxy front ended by an F5 load balancer.  In it we serve 
mixed content, including Weblogic content from an application server and 
straight flex content from another webserver.  The proxy is running HTTP and 
the HTTPS from the load balancer is terminated at the proxy level.  The reverse 
proxy entries look like this:

ProxyPass /static http://intgcontent-app.mydomain.com:7000/static
ProxyPassReverse /static http://intgcontent-app.mydomain.com:7000/static

When a user accesses the application URL as https://intgdmo.mydomain.com the 
application launches, but attempts to launch as HTTP instead of HTTPS and fails 
miserably.  We do not think it is a load balancer issue, as the same 
application running behind the same load balancer on different proxy server 
(Sun One 6.1) does not exhibit this behavior.  So far our network guys haven't 
found any load balancer settings on the F5 that could be causing this.

Could Apache be causing this ?  As I said, when we have this setup on Sun One 
using the reverse proxy module everything works fine.


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