Dear All,
For setting up a webserver in a small docker container it is good practice to 
run the server in the foreground via "exec"
See E.g.
This ensures that the apache binary gets PID 1 and signals are propagated (and 
I think zombies are reaped).

However sometimes it would be nice to use the apachectl script for this, since 
it loads environment variables, ...
Currently does not work, since inside apachectl the actual apache programm is 
called without "exec". The result is that the apachectl script remains with PID 
1 and e.g. signals (like USR1) for the container get not propagated correctly 
to the apache process.
If one patches the apachectl so that all calls to the apache binary are done 
with "exec", everthing works as expected.
(e.g. for debian `sed -i 's/\($HTTPD ${APACHE_ARGUMENTS}\)/exec \1/' 
/usr/sbin/apache2ctl` )
Might it be a sensible change in the apachectl to always call the binary with 
"exec" (at least on the systems where exec exists)

Dr. Martin Köhler 
Head of library and documentation 
                        Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - DESY 
Building 01d Room O1.443 
phone:  +49-40-8998-1814                                   Notkestr. 85 
fax:    +49-40-8994-1814                                   22607 Hamburg 
e-mail:                             Germany 

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