Re: [users@httpd] Windows 7 DocumentRoot directive not working

2011-10-19 Thread Robert Waligora
I found the issue. I edited the httpd.conf file with textpad. But, textpad wasn't running as administrator. So, my changes were saved in an unknow user location. Every time I opened the httpd.conf file, it opened my personal version instead of the file, not the real file. So, my changes were never

Re: [users@httpd] Windows 7 DocumentRoot directive not working

2011-10-19 Thread Serge Fonville
Hi, Assuming you restarted apache after changing the httpd.conf.. What output do you get from: httpd.exe -S sc query | find /i "apache" tasklist /fi "Imagename eq httpd.exe" /svc HTH Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet, Serge Fonville Convince Google!! They need to

[users@httpd] Windows 7 DocumentRoot directive not working

2011-10-19 Thread Robert Waligora
I installed Apache 2.2.21 on Windows 7 machine. Test "It Works" page is displayed. I changed the following in httpd.conf: DocumentRoot "e:/webroot/" I created "webroot" folder on e drive (also tried with c drive and without ending slash). Put a sample index.html file in that folder with a differ