I found the issue. I edited the httpd.conf file with textpad. But, textpad
wasn't running as administrator. So, my changes were saved in an unknow user
location. Every time I opened the httpd.conf file, it opened my personal
version instead of the file, not the real file. So, my changes were never
Assuming you restarted apache after changing the httpd.conf..
What output do you get from:
httpd.exe -S
sc query | find /i "apache"
tasklist /fi "Imagename eq httpd.exe" /svc
Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet,
Serge Fonville
Convince Google!!
They need to
I installed Apache 2.2.21 on Windows 7 machine. Test "It Works" page is
displayed. I changed the following in httpd.conf:
DocumentRoot "e:/webroot/"
I created "webroot" folder on e drive (also tried with c drive and without
ending slash).
Put a sample index.html file in that folder with a differ