On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 02:17:53PM -0500, Terry wrote:
> This is my first experience with a non-english character set so please
> excuse me if the answers are obvious.  We have a Centos 5 box with apache
> 2.2.3 serving several english websites.  We have a request from the
> customer to serve up a chinese site with a chinese domain as an alias to an
> english domain.
> 1. How do I configure apache to handle this?

Use ServerName with your English domain and ServerAlias with your
Chinese domain using the xn--* format.

> 2. Any other gotchas from experience?

Check your default character set and adjust it in that vhost if
required. Your customer will probably want the errordocs in
their preferred language as well.

Good luck,

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