Maybe it's a storage problem when paging space is allocated?

Kurt Bremser
AMOS Austria

Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.
Von: Luc Andre []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015 12:28
Betreff: Re: [users@httpd] Random latency in reentrant calls (Bug 57916) [wd-vc]

Yes, but I'm still very surprised that spinning a new process can take up to 2 
seconds on a powerful server :-(

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Yann Ylavic 
<<>> wrote:
So is it working as expected now?

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Luc Andre 
<<>> wrote:
> My mistake, apache2.conf is overridden by  /mods-enabled/mpm_prefork.conf
> sorry about that...
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Luc Andre 
> <<>> wrote:
>> php_sapi_name: apache2handler
>> Server MPM:     prefork
>> I tried
>>     StartServers          20
>>     MinSpareServers       20
>>     MaxSpareServers      20
>> And after restarting apache still have the issue but only after waiting
>> about a minute between 2 tries.
>> Then I did a "ps -ef | grep apache" and I discovered that I have only 11
>> apache processes running !
>> So it seems that MinSpareServers and StartServers  are ignored and the
>> problem is really a child spin up issue.
>> Regards,
>> Luc
>> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Rainer Canavan
>> <<>> wrote:
>>> 2015-05-12 10:03 GMT+02:00 Luc Andre 
>>> <<>>:
>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> We did a test on a powerful server with
>>>>     StartServers          20
>>>>     MinSpareServers       5
>>>>     MaxSpareServers      20
>>>> And we still have the issue...
>>> To ensure that you don't hit the child spin up issue, you'll have to set
>>> MinSpareServers to a value equal to or greater than the number of processes
>>> you need for your test, I'd recommend 20 in this case, just to be sure. Are
>>> you sure that you're using the prefork mpm, and therefore those settings are
>>> actually relevant? If you don't have a good reason to use prefork, you may
>>> get better performance with worker or event (but be sure to tune the
>>> associated settings, such as ThreadsPerChild appropriately)
>>> Additionally, you don't specify how your PHP is configured. If you're
>>> using PHP-FPM, you need to ensure that pm.start_servers and
>>> pm.min_spare_servers are large enough as well.
>>> rainer

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