Hello, Holger.


I posted the message you referenced, and I still do not have any solution
for it.

You might try posting to the tomcat-users, us...@tomcat.apache.org since
there's a Tomcat interaction at work. 

Perhaps another person asking will give someone an Ah Ha, though probably
not today, at least in the US.

They'll be too drowsy from overconsumption of roast turkey and root
vegetable carbohydrates. ;-)


Take care,


David Dabbs



From: King Holger (CI/AFP2) [mailto:holger.k...@de.bosch.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 12:40 PM
To: 'users@httpd.apache.org'
Subject: [us...@httpd] "mod_proxy_ajp" | errors


Hi all,


when using "mod_proxy_ajp" of Apache2 2.2.16 in combination with two Apache

Tomcat 6.0.29 servlet containers, we often see the following entries within

Apache2 error log of the virtual host:


[Thu Nov 25 16:17:26 2010] [error] ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed

[Thu Nov 25 16:17:26 2010] [error] (120006)APR does not understand this
error code: proxy: read response failed from

[Thu Nov 25 16:17:26 2010] [error] [client] proxy: error
processing end, referer: https://xxx.dot.com/
=1> <context_root>/workflow/dialoges/tasks3.jsp?refresh=1


When looking in the central Apache2 error log, we see:

[Thu Nov 25 16:17:26 2010] [error] (70007)The timeout specified has expired:
ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive header


Additionally, we sporadically see connection switches from one Tomcat

to the other without any understandable reasson (here from "rb-wcmstc2" to
"rb-wcmstc1"): - - [25/Nov/2010:16:17:31 +0100] "POST
/servlet/ClientIO/5cmxicinliar/s6/234 HTTP/1.1" 500 1255 "-" "Jakarta
Commons-HttpClient/3.1" "


rb-wcmstc1; Path=/" 4784


Might the below timeout be set to short (in combination with the aboe
"timeout" error log entry)?


The current "mod_proxy_ajp" configuration looks like this:


<Proxy balancer://fs4server>

        # One tomcat node has been outcommented due to the following ticket:

        BalancerMember ajp://rb-wcmstc1.xxx.dot.com:8009 loadfactor=100
retry=10 route=rb-wcmstc1

        BalancerMember ajp://rb-wcmstc2.xxx.dot.com:8009 loadfactor=100
retry=10 route=rb-wcmstc2


        ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid

        ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests

        ProxySet scolonpathdelim=On

        #ProxySet nofailover=On

        ProxySet timeout=45



Or is there a bug available within the "mod_proxy_ajp" module of Apache2
(details see:

Should we switch to "mod_proxy_http"?



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