Change ALL the instance specific parameters, like listen addresses, pid files, 
etc.  I suspect you are trying to use the same pid file for two httpd instances.

Rick Houser
Web Engineer

From: eric tse []
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 17:02
Subject: [users@httpd] Re: two duplicate instances httpd pid conflict issues


This problem resolved.
I need to update server root in apachetcl.

On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 12:03 PM, eric tse 
<<>> wrote:

I am doing some experiments,
first I create separate instances by duplicating (copying) an existing running 
instances. (apache 2.0x .. on solaris 10).

I update the instance parameters (such as server root), take out the site ip.
When do apachectl start

I have
httpd (pid 3074) already running ...

I need to stop the older instance in order to let the new goes up

Have you guys seen it before?
Can you please help?

Thanks and regards,

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