Re: IPv6 forwarding and routing in linux

2005-03-30 Thread Pedro Tomé
No, I didn't setup a PPP link. When I said pont-to-point connection, I was trying to say that I've connected two machines that route packets between themselves directly (like in ipv4 when I say that AP is via eth0 with netmask closed In this case is equivalent to saying that

Re: IPv6 forwarding and routing in linux

2005-03-30 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Pedro, I cut and paste some of your output and comment in between AP stuff: result of ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:29:D0:8B:59 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: You ipv4 netmask and broadcast are not correct. this has nothing to

IPv6 forwarding and routing in linux

2005-03-29 Thread Pedro Tomé
Hello all! I'm developing a micro-mobility protocol in an IPv6 network for my final degree project but I'm having some problems using IPv6. Imagine the following, simple, situation: I'm connecting only two machines, a gateway and a pc that will work as an access point using hostap. I have