El 17/05/2014, a las 14:41, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 

> On 15 May 2014 00:57, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou <o....@gesconsultor.com>wrote:
>> Dan, please, correct me as needed :-))
>> The commands are added to a queue, and that queue is emptied on each
>> transaction.
> correct
>> The point is that Isis, for example, generates a new transaction on each
>> action invokation.
> correct
>> In the context of tests, that could be simulated by wrapping the calls (it
>> would also force other business rules) to actions, and setters.
> sort-of.
> I've just been double checking as to the behaviour of transactions in
> tests; it is fairly sane, I think, though not well documented.
> We set up a new transaction for each test. The same transaction is present
> for the setup and the test method itself, in a state of IN_PROGRESS.
> You can confirm this using
> IsisContext.getTransactionManager().getTransaction().getState().
> IsisSystemForTest.get() is a thread-local representation of the running
> system.  Using this, it is possible to commit/abort and begin new
> transactions at any time:
> * IsisSystem.get().commitTran()
> * IsisSystem.get().abortTran()
> * IsisSystem.get().beginTran()
> The interaction of transactions with/without wrap() is as follows:
> 1. if a transaction is in progress (the default), then invoking without
> wrapping (as expected) takes place in the context of that interaction; the
> transaction is not committed
> 1. if a transaction is in progress, then wrapping - at least as far as
> transactions are concerned - has no effect; the interaction is performed in
> the context of the current transaction
> 3. if a transaction has been explicitly committed (so that none is in
> progress), then invoking without wrapping will cause an exception to be
> thrown ("no xactn in progress")
> 4. if a transaction has been explicitly committed, then wrapping will
> automatically begin and commit the transaction around the interaction.
> So, Oscar, your statement corresponds to option 4, and is correct if the
> xactn had already been committed explicitly (in the setup, say)

I understand. That's the reason why sometimes 


is mandatory on BDD steps... 
It can be unnecessary if you do a getContainer.flush() on each persist if it's 
needed mainly for sending changes to the database and for DataNucleus to 
automatically manage bi-directional relationships.

>> In our case, we have created a persist method on each repository that
>> persists the domain object and also executes a flush.
> A reasonable pattern.  I'm pretty sure that any repository query will
> always do a flush anyway (analogous to Hibernate auto-flush function).

So if this is the case, why not the default "persist()" implementation always 
do a getContainer.flush() by default, in order to avoid confusions like this 

There can be an alternative "persistWithoutFlush()" method if required.

>> Perhaps its performance would not be as good for bulk inserts, but in the
>> context of our domain we prefer to force the flush on each persist than the
>> performance gained by queueing the database commands to be sent in blocks.
> If bulk inserts are ever required, then a good pattern is to define a
> domain service to do this sort of work.  Then, start out with a naive
> implementation that just does individual flushes, and switch in a more
> performant implementation (eg calling stored procedures or whatever) if and
> when required.  So long as the integration tests pass...
> On the topic of performance (for queries), do note that in 1.4.0 we
> introduced QueryResultsCache.  And, DN has various L2 caching options for
> truly immutable data.

We have some derived properties in our domain that are quite intensive on its 
computation. We are planning to use the cache method you implemented for 

> Cheers
> Dan
>> HTH,
>> Oscar

Óscar Bou Bou
Responsable de Producto
Auditor Jefe de Certificación ISO 27001 en BSI

   902 900 231 / 620 267 520



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