Nice work, Andi ... many thanks!


On Fri, 18 Jan 2019 at 18:34, Andi Huber <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm happy to announce a new isis-2-demo build. I'm doing this silently
> from time to time, but to let you know what's changed since the last
> announcement:
> Apache Isis development for version 2 is currently entering the next
> iteration: milestone 3 (2.0.0-M3). The demo docker image is built on top of
> the latest snapshot. [1]
> I've added a new page to the demo, that does showcase various scenarios
> for tooltips as supported by the framework.
> You will also notice the new sidebar-feature to replace modal actions that
> Dan recently contributed. (Release 1.17.)
> We've made some enhancements to the collapse/expand visualization of trees
> (see TreeDemo), and fixed some visual issues with the 'Darkly' theme (you
> can try out different themes at the bottom bar).
> Feel free to report issues or suggestions with the demo here [2].
> Check it out and enjoy!
> Andi
> [1]
> [2]

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