Hi Chris,
If the "meta" part becomes complicated, it might be better to put a link
in the header that goes to another file. There is balance to be struck
between arbitrary structures and simple processing.
It does make some sense to have a multi-valued patch header.
(all one line with or wi
On 16/05/2019 18:48, Chris Tomlinson wrote:
As part of our editing service development, using at least aspects of RDFPatch,
we have a use-case that goes like this:
User U_A does some work on a number of resources resulting in patch P_01 and
then stashes the patch on the editing serv
I am requesting your help with an issue about Jena Assembler:
I have a Fuseki2 server (3.10.0) configured with a Jena Assembler config file.
The goal is to have a Dataset exposing two named graph:
- "Model" named graph is a Memory Model that define a custom Ontology
Hi Pierre,
I can't offer to hold you by the hand I'm afraid, snowed under with
work. But a minimal example might help. Here's an example of a minimal
extension builtin:
class StringEqualIgnoreCase extends BaseBuiltin implements Builtin {
public String getName() {
return "stringEq
Thanks again.
Hear you.
I think this is becoming a bit too meta perhaps. Maybe there’s a couple of ways
to go forward.
a. Anybody is a taker to hold me by the hand and use this thread to come
up with a complete cycle for making a new built in and adding it to my fuseki?
If somebody