Hi there,

We had error logs for three messages failed to produce to Kafka during last 
week. All three are failed on the same day within one hour range. We checked 
Kafka logs (server.log and statechange.log) but found no abnormal behaviors.

The exception is :
        kafka.common.FailedToSendMessageException: Failed to send messages 
after 3 tries.
        at kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler.handle(Unknown Source)
        at kafka.producer.Producer.send(Unknown Source)
        at kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer.send(Unknown Source)

The Kafka server we use is 0.8.2-beta and our kafka jar is 
kafka_2.10.0-0.8.0-beta1.jar. On producer properties, we use producer.type = 
sync and request.required.acks = 1. The rest are default values. There is no 
activity needed and the system becomes normal again.

Can you please suggest what may cause this issue and how we can avoid it? Thank 
you and have a good day.

Hao Leng

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