I have installed kafka_2.11- and using java to create producer and consumer
I have 3 brokers server running on the same unix machine . I created a topic with 3 partition with a replication factor of 2. I started a very simple producer with key/value as auto incrementing integers. I have one consumer running and it consumes data appropriately from all the partitions. Now I kill one of the broker server manually using kill command. At this point the consumer stops consuming but the producer is able to send messages. When I run the consumer-group command I get the below error: *Error: Executing consumer group command failed due to The consumer group command timed out while waiting for group to initialize:* If I start the broker server again then the consumer starts consuming message from the point the broke was stopped. Any help is appreciated! Thanks Rakesh -- Thanks & Regards Rakesh Singh 732-829-7244