> .
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 2:03 AM Sabit Nepal wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We experienced a network partition in our kafka cluster which left 1
> broker
> > unable to be reached by other brokers, but it could still reach
We experienced a network partition in our kafka cluster which left 1 broker
unable to be reached by other brokers, but it could still reach our
zookeeper cluster. When this occurred, a number of topic-partitions shrunk
their ISR to just the impaired broker itself, halting progress on those
We recently started observing our streams application is taking hours to
days to rebalance following events where streams consumers experience
churn, such as code deployments. We increased the acceptable.recovery.lag
property from the default of 10,000 to 100,000, however, we are still
We have a Kafka Streams consumer application running Kafka Streams 3.4,
with our Kafka brokers running 2.6. This consumer application consumes from
two topics with 250 partitions each, and we co-partition them to ensure
each task is consuming from the same partitions in each topic. Some oth