You can get the partition number and offset of the message by
MessageAndMetadata.partition() and MessageAndMetadata.offset().

To your scenario you can turn off auto commit auto.commit.enable=false and
then commit by yourself after finishing message consumption.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Arunkumar Srambikkal (asrambik) <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to get the current partition number and current offset,
> when using the *high level consumer* in 0.8.2?
> I went through the previous messages and in the previous version I think
> there are none.
> The reason we want to do this, is that I  plan to have a consumer without
> the default commit of offsets, to avoid the scenario of consumers going
> down before updating the accurate offset.
> Rgds
> Arun


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