I just confirmed.
`KafkaConsumer.close()` should be idempotent. It's a bug in the consumer.
On 5/3/17 2:20 PM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> Yes, Streams might call "close" multiple times, as we assume it's an
> idempotent operations.
Yes, Streams might call "close" multiple times, as we assume it's an
idempotent operations.
Thus, if you close "your" Consumer in `DebugTransformer.close()`, the
operation is not idempotent anymore, and thus fails.
`KafkaConsumer.close()` is not idempotent :(
You can just use a "try-catch" when y
Hi again,
One more observation: The problem only occurs when the two application
instances are started one after the other with some delay in-between (7 seconds
in my test setup). So the first instance already started to process the events
that were in the queue, when the second instance came u