HI all!

I think I already saw this question on the mailing list, but I'm not able
to find it back...

I'm using kafka, i have 3 brokers and I have a default replication
factor of 2 and a default partitioning factor of 2.

My partition are distributed fairly on every brokers.

My problem is that for all the topics I have, my data is only send to
either the partition 0 or the partition 1 (and correctly replicated). All
my brokers are in sync and the data is on every brokers (depending on where
the partitions are).

How can I made my producer / brokers write to the other partition??


François Langelier
Étudiant en génie Logiciel - École de Technologie Supérieure
Capitaine Club Capra <http://capra.etsmtl.ca/>
VP-Communication - CS Games <http://csgames.org> 2014
Jeux de Génie <http://www.jdgets.com/> 2011 à 2014
Argentier Fraternité du Piranha <http://fraternitedupiranha.com/> 2012-2014
Comité Organisateur Olympiades ÉTS 2012
Compétition Québécoise d'Ingénierie 2012 - Compétition Senior

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