Hi all,

I have a cluster with 3 brokers. I've created a topic "test" with 3
partitions and replication factor 3. I produced 20000 messages to
"test-2". Then I checked JMX metrices (LogEndOffset) which showed
20000 for "test-2".

Now I deleted "test", the logs related to "test" are deleted in both
kafka and zookeeper but the JMX metrices were not updated. It still
showed the topic "test" and LogEndOffset for "test-2" was 20000.

Again I created a topic with same name "test" with 5 partitions and
replication factor 3. I produced 10000 messages to "test-1". When I
checked JMX metrices, the partitions were increased from 3 to 5 but
the LogEndOffset was not updated (ie) it was 20000 for "test-2" and 0
for "test-1". Now I deleted this topic.

Again I created "test" with 3 partitions and replication factor 3. JMX
metrices showed 5 partitions for "test"(not updated as 3).

The changes are reflected only when I restarted all the brokers one by
one. Is there a solution to this where JMX metrices will be updated
without restarting the server.

Thanks in advance!


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