Re: Network partition leaves topic-partition leader as sole ISR despite min.isr=2 and producer acks=all settings

2024-08-14 Thread Sabit Nepal
Hi Kamal, Thank you for the information. It's great to hear that this is being actively developed. I'm curious if you (or anyone else on the list) is aware of improvements that could reduce the chance of hitting this failure mode? One improvement I found KIP-497

Re: Network partition leaves topic-partition leader as sole ISR despite min.isr=2 and producer acks=all settings

2024-08-12 Thread Kamal Chandraprakash
Hi Sabit, Thanks for reporting the issue! This is the last standing replica problem and is being fixed in KIP-966. You can go through the below blog to understand it in detail:

Network partition leaves topic-partition leader as sole ISR despite min.isr=2 and producer acks=all settings

2024-08-11 Thread Sabit Nepal
Hello, We experienced a network partition in our kafka cluster which left 1 broker unable to be reached by other brokers, but it could still reach our zookeeper cluster. When this occurred, a number of topic-partitions shrunk their ISR to just the impaired broker itself, halting progress on those