I think I found the answer:
As describe in the link above it should append only one time and after
parent was created the there are any exceptions oc
Ok , got it , so the problem actually came from zookeeper. Can someone
pointing me how can I clean up zookeeper to get rid of these messages.
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:
> These info messages show up when Kafka tries to create new consumer groups.
> While
These info messages show up when Kafka tries to create new consumer groups.
While trying to create the children of /consumers/[group], if the parent
path doesn't exist, the zookeeper server logs these messages. Kafka
internally handles these cases correctly by first creating the parent node.
If the console producer/consumer works fine, it would be safe to assume the
broker is up.
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Oleg Ruchovets wrote:
> Hi Jun ,
>I made such tests:
> *bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic
> test
> *
> Thi
Changed my tests with different consuming groups but still have the same
logs with Error:
[2013-07-23 19:25:19,439] INFO Got user-level KeeperException when
processing sessionid:0x1400bd6e296000c type:create cxid:0x15
zxid:0xfffe txntype:unknown reqpath:n/a Error
Hi Jun ,
I made such tests:
*bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test
This is a message
This is another message
*> bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic
test --from-beginning*
This is a message
Those exception are ok since they are at the info level. Is the broker
running ok otherwise?
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Oleg Ruchovets wrote:
> Hi All.
>I have on one machine kafka installation. I needed to move it to another
> machine and I copied a kafka folder to th
Hi All.
I have on one machine kafka installation. I needed to move it to another
machine and I copied a kafka folder to that machine.
when I started kafka in new machine I got such output:
[2013-07-23 17:03:29,858] INFO Got user-level KeeperException when
processing sessionid:0x1400bd6e29600