Can’t reassign partition of leader (-1) is unavailable.

Replication-factor: 1
Initial brokers: 2 [1001, 1002]

Say broker 1002 went down. As expected kafka-topics describe shows
  Topic: my_topic       Partition: 5    Leader: -1      Replicas: 1002          

I’m ok with message loss, and don’t want a higher replication-factor (for this 
topic). Need to fail-over to the healthy broker (i.e. 1001).
Execute the replica-reassignment tool to move all partitions to healthy broker. 
Output says executing it is successful.

The kafka-topics describe now shows:
  Topic: my_topic  Partition: 5         Leader: -1      Replicas: 1001,1002     

The unclean leader (i.e. 1001) is not picked as leader. I have to start up 
another broker with same id as the failed one (i.e. 1002), at which point the 
replica-reassignment is completed.

Topic: my_topic Partition: 5    Leader: 1001    Replicas: 1001  Isr: 1001

I see several threads and questions on the internet asking the same thing, but 
slightly differently. The vague answer is to run the replica-reassignment tool. 
But I can’t get it to work… Given Kafka’s general awesomeness I assume I’m 
missing something… Please help.

The log in the healthy Kafka broker shows after the reassignment the following 
  [2016-08-23 18:43:43,405] ERROR Broker 1001 received LeaderAndIsrRequest with 
correlation id 350 from controller 1001 epoch 11 for partition [my_topic,5] but 
cannot become follower since the new leader -1 is unavailable. 
  [2016-08-23 18:43:16,028] ERROR Controller 1001 epoch 11 initiated state 
change for partition [my_topic,9] from OfflinePartition to OnlinePartition 
failed (state.change.logger)

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