Dear Davor,

I’m sending 63 as the dlr mask. Can that be a cause to not to receive some of 
the delivery reports of those were acknowledged? Please assist. 








From: Davor Spasoski [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2020 1:38 PM
To: Rasika Udayanga
Subject: Re: Need an Assistance in my Kannel Config


Dear Rasika, 


First suspect is dlr-mask. You have to set it minimally to both delivery 
success and delivery failure (3).

Other condiition is to set smsc-id, which I see you did.


Check this part of kannel userguide:


"When you deliver SMS to Kannel you have to indicate what kind of delivery 
report messages you would like to receive back from the system. The delivery 
report types currently implemented are:

• 1: delivery success

• 2: delivery failure

• 4: message buffered

• 8: smsc submit

• 16: smsc reject

• 32: smsc intermediate notifications

If you want multiple report types, you simply add the values together. “


On Feb 15, 2020, at 05:23, Rasika Udayanga < 
<> > wrote:


Dear All,

As per the below report, even though 108726 messages were acknowledged I have 
received only 60036  (sum of status 1 and 2) delivery reports. I cannot 
understand as to why there are no delivery reports for the rest of the 
acknowledged messages. 


I’m a doing something wrong in my config? Can you please assist me.





group = core

dlr-storage = mysql

admin-port = 8206

admin-password = *****

status-password = *****

admin-allow-ip = ""

log-level = 0

sms-resend-retry = 10

sms-combine-concatenated-mo = true

# Smsbox related

smsbox-port = 8205

box-allow-ip = ""

smsbox-max-pending = 10000



group = smsc

smsc = smpp

smsc-id = lankabell

host = ******

port = ******

smsc-username = *******

smsc-password = ******

transceiver-mode = true

msg-id-type = 0x00 

reconnect-delay = 2

wait-ack = 60

wait-ack-expire = 0x02 

validityperiod = 1440

interface-version = 34

system-type = "VMA"


 <> <image002.jpg>

Rasika Udayanga Kodithuwakku | Senior Manager

Information Technology

Bellvantage (Pvt) Ltd, No - 46, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka.

Mobile :- +94 77 7289868 | Direct :- +94 11 5756256

E-Mail  :- <>  | Web :- <> 




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