Hi all,

I have been trying to identify a possible reason/cause for the following symptom:

When the HTTP request is launched:

1 out of 3 (or so) requests fails with send error (status -1) (Generic error).

Platform used:
- Fedora 7
- Kannel 1.4.1
- Samba75 (GSM Modem)

Can you please guide me on what I should do, or why it is happening?

I am sure Kannel is a stable gateway package, so certainly I am overlooking some small detail here.

I deployed Kannel on Fedora after an experience I had on Cygwin (Windows), where smsbox used to go down after 5 minutes of operation. Although, funnily enough, I never received any send errors (except when I had a wrong modem type selected).

I thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

Chris Porter

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