  I tried to download a .mp4 file of size 20kb using Kannel WAP gateway
but I get a error logged on the wapbox.log file stating that 'Cannot
encode Content Range'.I have attached the log below.
 I am able to download files of smaller size 2kb. So is file size a
Or else where do I modify the settings on Kannel so that I can download
files of larger size.
CAn you Please help.Thanks in advance.

2004-01-27 15:37:59 [10] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state
INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event TR-Invoke.res.
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [5] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state RESULT_WAIT
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [9] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 416 Requested
Range Not Satisfiable>
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x8110d60, state CONNECTED,
event S-MethodResult.req
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state PROCESSING, event
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [1] WARNING: WSP: Cannot encode Content-Range 'bytes
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [1] WARNING: Skipping header: Content-Range: bytes
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP 1/6: New method state REPLYING
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP 1: New state CONNECTED
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state RESULT_WAIT,
event TR-Result.req.
2004-01-27 15:37:59 [5] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2004-01-27 15:38:06 [4] DEBUG: Timeout-R elapsed.
2004-01-27 15:38:06 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state
RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event Timeout-R.
2004-01-27 15:38:06 [5] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [5] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state LISTEN
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [5] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x41d00658 (6)
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x8110d60, state CONNECTED,
event TR-Result.cnf
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state REPLYING, event
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [1] DEBUG: WSP 1/6: New method state NULL_METHOD
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 6
2004-01-27 15:38:08 [1] DEBUG: WSP 1: New state CONNECTED
2004-01-27 15:38:15 [5] INFO: WTP_RESP: resp_machine_find_or_create: ack
received, yet having no machine
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [5] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x41d004c8 (7)
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [5] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 7, state LISTEN, event
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [5] DEBUG: WTP 7: New state LISTEN
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [5] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x41d004c8 (7)
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x8110d60, state CONNECTED,
event TR-Invoke.ind
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [1] DEBUG: WSP 1: New state NULL_SESSION
2004-01-27 15:44:01 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMachine 0x8110d60

Logesh Vincent


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