
I don't know why, my fastrak gsm modem receives 3-4-6 times the same message.

well, no, infact it receive 1 message but then it call many time the service.
It appears to me link if some messages are stored in memory and then read again.

Has anyone had such experience ?

My conf:

group = modems
id = wavecom
name = Wavecom
# In memory
message-storage = "SM"
# Fond in wavecom docs - also fetch number on call
init-string = "AT+CNMI=2,3,0,0,1;+CLIP=1"
detect-string = "WAVECOM"
reset-string = "AT+CFUN=1"
# Monitors antenna signal and if modem is registered on network
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CREG?;+CSQ"

group = smsc smsc = at sim-buffering = true modemtype = wavecom device = /dev/ttyS0 my-number = "+39**********" pin = 5*0* speed = 19200 keepalive = 120

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