Hi all,

it's been a while since I've actually actively done something with Kannel. It's in use at my previous job, where I started using it since about 2003, so I know it works fairly well.

However, I'm looking for people that are willing to share some of their experiences with Kannel with rather high sustained loads. Think multiple server loadbalanced for mo reception, http, smpp, ucp, anything. And of course a bunch of loadbalanced backend servers + the same for mt.

Rates: anything from 256 messages per second to, pfff, 5000 per second.

Lotsa '9'-s as far as uptime is concerned is nice too.

Hope to hear from anyone or pointers to success stories, that would be nice too.



bas a schulte - http:// www.connectedcreations.nl - http://www.wittezeiltjes.nl - +31653508689

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