Usually, a script is written in PHP or ASP.
The script calls the sendsms url and returns a text/vnd.wap.wml page to the

Rene Kluwen

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of aliraza raza
Sent: donderdag 22 juni 2006 0:16
Subject: how to make change in sendsms scipt???

Hello Everyone!!
                                 Most of you must have used http interface
to send sms messages. My URL for sending sms via http interface is
When a message is sent a http page is opened  with "Sent" written on it,
which confirms that the message is sent.
well i dont want that http page with sent written after the message is sent.
Becasue i want to call this url from a mobile device or wap emulator.A Http
page cant be shown on a mobile phone or emulator as only Wml (wireless
Markup Langauge) content can be shown on it. Due to that page i cant send
message from wap smsbox receieves the Http request from where im
calling tht url from wap emulator but it dont receives the message.

plese tell me where i can find that sendsms script and how i can change that
script to generate a wml page rather than http page.
if this cant be done then can i make some change in sendsms script so that i
dont get that http page with Sent written on it after the message is sent.
replies are highly appreciated

Ali Raza
Student IT

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