Hi all,

I have been using kannel 1.2.1 without any problem,
until I tried installing it on my new Linux machine
running 64 bit Fedora Core 3.

I compiled kannel with the following commands:
CFLAGS='-pthread' ./configure --prefix
/home/antonius/gateway --disable-docs
make install

but when I started bearerbox, I got the following
./bearerbox -v 1 ../conf/kannel1.conf
2004-11-22 22:09:59 [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file
= <none>, log_lvl = 0
2004-11-22 22:09:59 [0] WARNING: DLR: using default
'internal' for storage type.
Segmentation fault

I appreciate any help and advice. Thanks a lot.

Antonius Ng 

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