The UX305 is an ultrabook that can run Linux (google for discussion).
So I bought a couple when the Canadian Microsoft Store had a great
Boxing Day sale.

(Boxing Day in Canada and the rest of the Commonwealth is a sale day
like the US Black Friday.  It is the day after Christmas.)

It turns out that the UX305C (or UX305CA -- both names are used to
describe this notebook) has a newer processor (Skylake) than the other
writeups have covered.  This newer processor and support chip cause
some problems.

I was able to install Fedora 23 on it, but there were several issues.
All serious problems went away when I installed the Rawhide kernel
after installing Fedora 23.

While installing, the trackpad won't work.  So you should use an
external mouse for the installation procedure.

I found that my USB / ethernet dongle would not work during
installation.  Wireless did work.

After installation and applying all updates, I followed this to
install the Rawhide kernel:
You need to turn off Secure Boot to boot the Rawhide kernel.

Here are relevant bugzilla entries:

Even after this fix, the airplane mode light (in the keycap) is on but
I'm not in airplane mode.  I haven't tried other Fn-* key
combinations: I assume that they are not working.  I haven't tried to
fix them.

Others have gotten Arch Linux, debian, and Ubuntu working on the
UX305C.  All due to the work described in bz 1281990.
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