On 5/10/22 11:55, Norman Feske wrote:
Hi John,

There are indeed many packages to discover by now. Not all of them are
covered by corresponding Genodians.org articles yet, but sometimes a
look into the pkg's runtime and accompanied configurations is already
quite instructive.

It would be really nice if you write up your findings for other users to
learn from. At one point, it would make sense to have an informally
curated overview of what's available where.

That is a good idea.  Too good, in fact - I guess I will try to do it.

I haven't updated "Genode Corner" [1] for quite a while, but I will try to reorganize it, and make a place for listing/describing interesting packages.

If anyone has a package that they would like others to try, just send an e-mail to "genodeinfo AT alternateapproach DOT com" with the location and whatever description/instructions are relevant. This also applies to any other interesting info that you'd like to share.

Please keep in mind, this is not my forte, and I can't guarantee I will do a good job, but I would love to help out as well as I can. (At least while the community is small. As soon as someone with better abilities comes along, I will be happy to hand over the raw data.)

[1] https://www.alternateapproach.com/computing/genode/genode_corner/

While we are at it, let me just share one minor but enjoyable feature:
By default, the window manager shows the window borders while a window
is maximized. When using a VM in full screen, this is a waste of pixels.
Now, with the black-hole component, one can simply route the window
layouter's request for the "decorator margins" to the black hole,
prompting the layouter to position a maximized window such that the
window decor stays outside the visible area. I think that's is quite a
nice hack.

Interesting.  It looks like I need to add a "Handy Tips" page also.  ;^)


  John J. Karcher

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