Well, I guess there is another issue which will possibly cause your
error message.
With chiron, if you need to reference an additional assembly, you also
need to modify the AppManifest.xaml file by hand and add an entry to
it, like this:
Best Regards
The Python standard is to use "site.py" to load custom startup code; this
file is run automatically at startup. It's located in the Lib subdirectory
of the directory containing the interpreter exe. This works under both
CPython and IronPython.
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Richard Bowen <[EMA
I have a simple question that I'm hoping has an answer I'm looking for. I'd
like to have a startup script to seamlessly run before running a
specified script.
Eg I can have a script/module that defines foo() and call on startup
then when I run ipy I can call foo()
Hi all
I'm delighted to announce the release of Ironclad v0.7, which is now
available from http://code.google.com/p/ironclad/downloads/list . This
release is a major step forward:
* Runs transparently on vanilla IronPython 2.0RC2, without creating
extra PythonEngines or breaking .NET namespa
Doh! It wasn't the invoke. We had a late import on the gui thread which was
blocking, and the invoke was waiting for that to complete.
Sorry about the false alarm and thanks for all the help.
Users mailing list
That's the case.
You can always try and disassemble OEC's API assembly with ildasm (which I
did 2 years back) just to
recompile (ilasm) it with a different CLR (Silverlight in your case)
In my case I wanted to call their API from Mono on Linux and their assembly
had some dependency