I've got a working example using the pywin32 extensions, which I am trying
to duplicate in IronPython, but I'm encountering quite a number of strange
situations. I can't seem to find any real documentation for IronPython,
either, so I figure this list is my last place to go before I ditch
IronPython and just use pywin32 instead.

Anyway, here is the pywin32 code: http://dpaste.org/aZpE/

The crucial part there is where the COM object (QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor)
is used. IronPython does seem to allow me to use the same object for some
reason, forcing me to select a different one, as you'll see here:

What am I missing here? Specifically,

1) Why does the exact same COM object function differently (and ultimately
fail) when used through IronPython?
2) Why are different methods exposed on the COM object through IronPython's
clr module, than when the COM object is used through pywin32's client
3) Why do I need to refer the the COM object as Interop.QBXMLRP2 in
IronPython, but simply as QBXMLRP2 in pywin32?

I'm missing something fundamental here, please enlighten me! :)


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