Re: [OMPI users] Performance degradation of OpenMPI 1.10.2 when oversubscribed?

2017-03-24 Thread Tim Prince via users
On 3/24/2017 6:10 PM, Reuti wrote: Hi, Am 24.03.2017 um 20:39 schrieb Jeff Squyres (jsquyres): Limiting MPI processes to hyperthreads *helps*, but current generation Intel hyperthreads are not as powerful as cores (they have roughly half the resources of a core), so -- depending on your

Re: [OMPI users] Rounding errors and MPI

2017-01-16 Thread Tim Prince via users
You might try inserting parentheses so as to specify your preferred order of evaluation. If using ifort, you would need -assume protect-parens . Sent via the ASUS PadFone X mini, an AT 4G LTE smartphone Original Message From:Oscar Mojica Sent:Mon, 16

Re: [OMPI users] openmpi-2.0.1

2016-11-17 Thread Tim Prince via users
On 11/17/2016 8:45 AM, Professor W P Jones wrote: > Hi > > I am trying to install openmpi-2.0.1 togeter with the version 14.0.2 > intel compilers and I an having problems. The configure script with > CC=icc CXX=icpc and FC=ifort runs successfully but when i issue make > all install this fails